======Dionysos' wild party or Vesuvio's god====== =====Ο στόχος===== Dionysos wants to organize a reception. The players are in the role of initates and they have to prepare the reception and to get everything that is needed: They have to collect food, wine, bread and guests and decorations. This computes the theme of the party Game for adults =====Οι κανόνες===== One of the group is warned by an oracle The group can have conflictual information → the game is made to be lost as the volcano explodes at the end At some point on the map there are depth cameras that can capture the players 3D image so that at the end when the volcano explodes thir lava statues are figured in the environment In the beginning the players are given a starting point where they will meet an oracle that will give them information (maps, good wine cards) → contradiction in the information =====Τα τεχνολογικά μέσα ή τα εργαλεία===== PDA/Smartphone Pad+phone =====Μηχανισμοί===== Groups of one to three players, groups have to collaborate Depending on the theme and the objects the user collects, the volcano enters more or less in eruption The players are given a shopping list to fill and an amount of money that they have to share =====Συμπεριφορά και αισθητικό αποτέλεσμα===== ---- {{tag>σχέδια:Εργαστήριο_IV σχέδια:GBL_2011 σχέδια:14-06-2011}}