====== Design patterns ======
The design patterns are an open collection that can be applied in the design of **location-based mobile games**. The design patterns are design elements that can support ideation and concept generation.
They can be used alongside the [[en:heuristics:heuristics|heuristics]] or the [[en:framework:start|design framework]] or alone.
Each **design pattern** contains a description and links to other patterns or [[en:heuristics:heuristics|design heuristics]].
This is still work in progresss. Content may be still **draft** or in greek.
List of patterns that require {{tagpage>review}}
==== The patterns ====
{{tagpage>interaction_between_players&dynamic|Interaction between players}}
The design patterns emerged from the content-analysis of the [[en:designs:designs|game design]] documents. The game design documents are the product of [[en:designs:designs|game design workshops]]. The workshops took place on a number of occasions with participants with varying backgrounds (game designers, interaction designer, experts in game based learning, engineers, education experts, cultural heritage experts).