===== Design workshops for location-based mobile games ===== The design workshops are activities where the particapants attempt **to design location-based mobile games for learning**. The particapants follow a procedure that can last **from 1,5 to 2,5 hours**. The particapants follow a **design scenario** in which they have to design a hypothetical location-based mobile game for the archaeological park of ancient **Pompeii**. The design activity can be used as **design tool** to rapildy design game concepts and has been also used as an **educational tool** on design. Design workshops tha follow the procedure laid out here have been implemented on various occasions. They have resulted in a number of **[[en:designs:designs|game concepts]]**, some of which are particularly interesting. The material for implementing these design workshops is **freely available** here: ([[http://hci.ece.upatras.gr/pompeiigame]]).