====== Balance cooperation and competition ====== The players' decision to cooperate or to compete can lead to different [[en:patterns:strategy|strategies]]. Players could [[en:patterns:team_forming|form teams]] in order to pursue a common goal or a common strategy. Team forming and [[en:patterns:cooperation]] could be fine-balanced through a system of [[en:patterns:reward|rewards]] (or penalties). A decision on if and for how long a [[en:patterns:cooperation|cooperation]] lasts could be a one-off decision or it could be continuously assessed. Teams or players could enter a [[en:patterns:strategy|strategic]] temporary cooperation in order to eliminate an opponent and revert to [[en:patterns:competition]] afterwards. Player decisions on whether to compete or to cooperate are can be accompanied by awarding different [[en:patterns:player_differentiation|roles]] to players. ---- === Example === Players with different [[en:patterns:player_differentiation|roles]] often possess different [[en:patterns:tool|game tools or game abilities]]. They might be tempted to cooperate in order to combine their abilities. They might choose to do so, for example, in order to reveal the position of a third player. In balance, this move could expose both of them to a danger or lead to a [[en:patterns:reward|penalty]]. Games that employ a [[en:patterns:bluff|bluffing pattern]] place the players in front of the dilemma of whether to trust a co-player and [[en:patterns:cooperation|cooperate]] or to distrust and [[en:patterns:competition|compete]]. [[en:games:rebels_vs._spies|Invisible City: Rebels Vs. Spies]] is such a game. ---- === Related patterns === [[en:patterns:bluff|bluffing]] [[en:patterns:competition|competition]] [[en:patterns:cooperation|cooperation]] [[en:patterns:player_differentiation|player differentiation]] [[en:patterns:team_forming|team forming]] ---- === Related heuristics === [[en:heuristics:heuristics#5.3]] [[en:heuristics:heuristics#4.4]] {{tag>interaction_between_players}} {{tag>multiplayer}} ---- === Backlinks === {{backlinks>.}}