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Bloody Pompeii

Ο στόχος

Cluedo-like game Players have to find the murderer of politician. Each player will have same tools, different clues. At each place there is one bad man who is suspect. The murderer will be finally found in villa of the mysteries

Οι κανόνες

NPCs will exchange information/share clues only if the player “speaks” their language (after reading of information, finding something about architecture for example) Race to prove your knowledge using QR code scanning in order to answer

Τα τεχνολογικά μέσα ή τα εργαλεία

Smartphones, augmented reality, compass, map, 2d codes, sounds


All players can find clues but each player could find different clues. can share clues but not to much cause it helps other players

Συμπεριφορά και αισθητικό αποτέλεσμα

The mystery will be the driving force. +/- to learn and prove your knowledge