Table of Contents

Soul of Pompeii

Ο στόχος

The players has to explore every destination in the right order, collaborate with their group. The aim is to the players can understand the life of the ancient people. The players will know about success when they answer every question in each location.

Οι κανόνες

  1. There is a time limit for the whole game maybe 6 hours
  2. If a group doesn’t find the correct answers by the first time, it has the opportunity to try again (go back), but it loose time (15 minutes), for each time that the try it.
  3. They can move for one place to another on foot
  4. If a group find the 1st answer by the first time, it gains a cart with two horses.
  5. People don’t have money.

Τα τεχνολογικά μέσα ή τα εργαλεία

There are maps, info points, a person who drive the horses. Papers and panes for notes


There are traditionals costumes, as a consequence, the players will feel the soul of the place

Συμπεριφορά και αισθητικό αποτέλεσμα

We believe that the game will be exciting, the groups will know to work as a team, to know who the people live in this place in the past, and to be informed for the history of this place. We are sure this will be an unforgettable experience!!! The winner group will gain the cart with the horses!