Against time provides a challenge where players act under pressure of time.
The time challenge might be absolute, e.g. reaching a specific location in a specific time, or relative to other events, e.g. before a competitor, or before a real-world event.
As in any challenge, player performance against time can be valued with an reward or penalty, with a score (e.g. for example to have a penalty in points if a time limit is surpassed), or it can lead to different narrative flow.
Playing against time has interesting implications when it is done against real-world time. Events in the real world might trigger a timer or might denote a time limit (see heuristic 1.7).
In multiplayer competition or cooperation games, a challenge against time might help to structure the game in time. Different stages of the game can be synced to specific time events so as to avoid periods where players are waiting for other player to finish a stage in order for the game to continue.
Against time affects the pace of the game and can lead to situations where player decisions are taken under pressure. That can restrict the opportunities for reflection, the formulation of meaningful strategies or might lead to disorientation regarding their tasks or goals.
The extend of the time limits should be well considered. That is especially true in tasks (missions, quests etc.) that relate to the spatial structure of the game. For example, distances and the time required to cover them should be taken into account, as well as the overall distance a player has already walked or run in a game.