
The players try to conquer or defend an area or a mark in physical space.

The pattern is used commonly in videogames and in street games where players try to capture the mark of the opposing team. If the mark is stationary, it is referred to as flag. When it is moving, it is usually referred to as briefcase.

Conditions for acquiring the opponents' mark can vary. For example it can be a proximity event, the presence in an area for a specific minimum time, the stealing of a digital object etc.

Conquer-defend can be an ending condition and it can be employed for temporally structuring a game (e.g. require 3 wins).

Conquer-defend with static marks imposes a spatial structure in the physical playground. In real settings, unlike videogames, the physical arena is not uniform. This should be taken into account so as to balance the competition.

Based on: streetgames

Based on: videogames
