Treasure Hunting in Pompeii
Ο στόχος
The aim of the game is to make the players learn some things about economy, art & architecture of Pompeii through a big quiz. Specifically, players have to answer questions of quiz in order to reach the end of the game. The game will end when players have arrived to the last destination, which is the forum
Οι κανόνες
Basic rules. 1. Players can’t use encyclopedias, neither to call other people. 2. The duration of the game is 5 hours. 3. In order to go to the next place, players should answer correctly to the questions. Questions for answering concerning art, architecture & economy of Pompeii. 1. How many bakeries with the mills have so far been found in Pompeii? 2. Where the carbonized remains of 81 loaves of bread were found? 3. Where are the most important building of Pompeii located (e.g. the basilica, the principal temples)? 4. Where was hot food contained and sold to customers? 5. What this picture depicts? (we will show to players a specific image)
Τα τεχνολογικά μέσα ή τα εργαλεία
Tools available
1. Mobile phones with which players have access to the quiz and learn the game instructions (rules). 2. GPS in order to find the next destination. 3. Image recognition. The player has to take a photo, as a proof he is in the right place. 4. QR codes in order to find short information about the places that will help the player to answer the questions
Συμπεριφορά και αισθητικό αποτέλεσμα
There is no communication between the players, because they don’t play as a team, so there is a lot of competition in order to get the award