Murder mystery Pompeii
Ο στόχος
Aim: find the murderer, weapon+place of murder in the fastest time start place: the villa of mysteries policeman will explain the murder, what the students have to find + how to go about it. Plus give each group first clue (a photo of a part of one site, each group different) Set certain time for duration Audience = children 10-13 yrs old, groups of 4
Οι κανόνες
1. Identify where photo is (a) using info cards about six sites, (b) using google maps and street view 2. Go to place 3. smartphone shows as move around place whether getting colder or hotter (to finding character). When find character, picture of this character appears on screen. 4. Audio from character at time of murder 5. Team decide if want extra info → if so, character gives the student a (quiz|puzzle) about the place. If the answer is correct, character gives some bonus information 6. Character gives the next photo clue of place 7. At end, go back to the villa of mysteries. Send SMS to policeman with murderer, weapon, place [Any time] 8. Video of policeman → Says which team(s) won + says exactly how murder occured
Τα τεχνολογικά μέσα ή τα εργαλεία
Smartphone Google map Info about places Character speeches Photos of characters GPS closer/far away from character once reached place SMS→policeman Videos→intro+debriefing
Different variety of challenges → quiz, task (find object, help with daily task) Different scenarios → different victim each time No specific order → if group needs to go back + relisten to info they can Final cut (after every place) by SMS if other gps validated on of murderer, weapon, place Competition
Συμπεριφορά και αισθητικό αποτέλεσμα
Policeman sends updates via SMS e.g. lab results show that he was killed at X time, what type of wound etc.