MuseumScrabble is a location-based multiplayer mobile game for museums. It is played by competing teams of players using mobile devices with RFID scanners to scan exhibits and link them to topics. The game ends when all available links have been established. The team with most points (e.g. meaningful links between exhibits and topics
MuseumScrabble was implemented for PocketPC devices for the Solomos Museum in Zakynthos, Greece.
More info
- Sintoris C., Stoica A., Papadimitriou I., Yiannoutsou N., Komis V., Avouris N. (2010). MuseumScrabble: Design of a mobile game for children's interaction with a digitally augmented cultural space, International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 2(2), 53-71, April-June 2010.