
A location-sensitive mobile game for competing teams of players.


MuseumScrabble is location-sensitive multiplayer mobile game for museums. It is played by competing teams of players using mobile devices to scan exhibits and link them to topics. The game ends when all availble links have been established. The team with most points (=meaningful links) wins.

Kids playing MuseumScrabble


You can also check the trailer for a brief introduction:

The game has been originally developed for the Museum of Solomos and Eminent Zakynthians, in Greece. It is very loosely based on the popular Scrabble word game, hence the name. 

Contact and further information

The game has been designed and developed by the Human-Computer Interaction Group of the University of Patras in Greece. If you are interested in deploying the game or would like further information, feel free to contact Prof. Nikolaos Avouris (avouris[at] or Christos Sintoris (sintoris[at]

There exists also a publication that describes the design and evaluation of the game.