Pompeii design activity


The aim of the activity is to design of a game for interacting with the real world.

The participants of the design activity follow a 'scenario' where they impersonate game designers. In this scenario:


The purpose of the activity is to design the concept of a location-sensitive multiplayer (learning) game to be played in Pompeii.

The designers form groups of 3-5 people and receive the relevant material.

The activity is structured in two symmetrical phases. Each phase is followed by a presentation. The aim of the first phase is to familiarize the team members with the material. The actual design work is expected to happen in phase two.

Phase one (10-15 minutes)
A rapporteur is chosen from each team
Each team formulates an idea about a location based mobile game using the Worksheet A3 sheet to describe it

Presentation (20-25 minutes)
The rapporteur explains and pitches the idea in a very short presentation (1  minute per team) Very fast!

Phase two (10-15 minutes)
The teams get back and improve, detail and modify their games. They can use any of the other teams' ideas

Final presentation and discussion
The rapporteur explains and pitches the final idea in a very short presentation
Discussion is encouraged