Zois Koukopoulos
Dr. Zois Koukopoulos is a Computer and Software Engineer and researcher on cultural informatics. Zois graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID) of the University of Patras in 2007, completed his Msc in “Computer Science & Technology” with emphasis in, the Foundations of Computer Science at the same department in 2009. During his doctorate studies, from 2015 to 2019 in the Department of Cultural Heritage Management and New Technologies of the University of Patras, Zois has published numerous scientific articles in established journals and well-known international conference proceedings, in the areas of cultural informatics, educational technology, cultural tourism and intelligent cultural environments. Zois doctoral dissertation was entitled “Design and Evaluation Methodologies of Intelligent Digital Environments for Culture and Society”. From 2009 Zois has worked as a Computer and Software Engineer in numerous IT Projects advancing his skills in application design, development and system configuration.