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Taggling: Greco's Echoes

The Interactive Technologies Lab developed and released the location-based mobile game “Taggling: Greco’s Echoes” for the an exhibition of works of Dominikos Theotokopoulos.

The official opening of the exhibition “Echoes of antiquity in the oeuvre of Dominikos Theotokopoulos” (link in greek) took place at St. Mark’s Basilica, in Heraklion, Crete on 9 September 2019. The exhibition presents high fidelity copies of works of Dominikos Theotokopoulos alongside works with similar motives. For the purposes of the exhibition, the older game “Taggling” was modified and upgraded.

Visitors can use their mobile phones to play the game at the exhibition. The players have to shift tags around the exhibits and if they attach the correct tag to an exhibit they gain points. Special thanks are due to the curator of the exhibition, Dr. Ianthi Assimakopoulou. For a description of game play see the Taggling mini-site. The game is available at the Play store, but in order to play it, one has to physically be present at the exhibition.

Besides our Lab, the the Visualization & Virtual Reality Group of the University of Patras was also present, with a VR representation of the sculputre Laocoön and His Sons, one of the most famous ancient sculptures, which visitors can view in the exhibition using a VR headset.