Nikolaos Avouris
Professor Emeritus, University of Patras,
tel +30-2610- 996898 or 996435 / fax +30-2610- 996898
email: avouris AT
Latest open online course on Backend web programming with Node.js (Sept.2022)
Participation in panel on Democracy and AI, Regional Growth Conference, March 2023
Latest invited talk: Η προσωπική μου διαδρομή, TEDx Chania, December 2022
Open courses through
- ‘Introduction to Python‘,
- Advanced Python,
- Introduction to web programming (HTML/CSS, JS),
- Advanced web programming (with C. Sintoris)
- Back end web programming with Node.js (with C.Sintoris)
Personal Data: Born in Zakynthos, Greece (1956), Greek nationality, Languages: Greek, English, Italian, French, a little of Spanish.
Education: National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Dipl. in Electrical Engineering, (1974-1979),
Master of Science M.Sc., University of Manchester, UMIST, UK, 1979-1980,
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D, University of Manchester, UMIST, UK, 1980- 1983.
Research Interests: Software Technology and Interactive Systems Design. Human-machine interaction with emphasis in cultural and educational fields.Special interest and experience in Distributed Intelligent Systems, collaborative systems, usability and accessibility of interactive systems, mobile systems, web applications and services, application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in the above areas.
Research and teaching experience in industry and academia for over 25 years:
- Research fellow of the University of Manchester, UK (1983-1984);
- Assistant Professor of Computer Science in Athens Technical Education College (1985-1986);
- Scientific officer of the European Commission served at the Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy (1986-1993);
- Senior Software Engineer of the Public Power Corporation of Greece (1993-1994).
- Associate Professor of Software Technology at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Patras (1994- 2001).
- Full professor of Software Technology and Human-Computer Interaction (2001-2024). Founding Director of the Interactive Technologies Lab until 2023.
- Key researcher in many national and international funded research projects in the frame of IST, ESPRIT, Environment, PENED, YPER etc.
- Deputy Rector for Research and Development, Head of the Research Committee (2013-2014) End-term Report (8/2014)
- Coordinator of the OpenCourseWare Project for the University of Patras (2013-2015).
- Director of the inter-departmental Master in Human-Computer Interaction (2018 – 2023 )
- Head of the University of Patras Library and Information Center Board (2016 – 2024)
- Dean of School of Engineering of the University of Patras (2021- 2024 )
(full publications list with associated author’s prints)
Author or editor of six books and author of over 100 scientific journal and conference papers in the above research areas.
Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (1979 – 2021), Greek Electrical Engineers Association (1979-), Greek Computer Society (1992-), IEEE Computer Society (1995), founding member of the Greek Artificial Intelligence Association (EETN) and of the Greek Society of Electrical and Computer Technology in Education(ETPE).
Interview about open online courses (radio ERT1), 2022 and Peloponnisos daily, 2021, on Humane AI (article)
Peloponnisos 2014 on Universities and Regional Development (article)
Talks on policies and Univesity of Patras issues
Policies and Technologies for Life Long Learning at the Univesity of Patras, 45th EUCEN Conference, Charmey, May 2013 (slides)
Research and Technology Transfer at the University of Patas: the case of Innovation and Technology Transfer Office, Patras Innohub, June 2013 (slides)
The Univesity of Patras as a development factor for the Region of Western Greece, Regional Development Conference, Patras, June 2013 (slides in Greek)
Invited Talks
Η προσωπική μου διαδρομή, TEDx Chania, December 2022
The human factor in engineering, SFHMMY, April 2022
Teaching human-computer interaction for social good, CHIGreece, November 2021
Open Academic Courses at the University of Patras: Experiences and Perspectives, 2015, CTI workshop on MOOCs, (video)
Capture own objects in games: Player participation, ownership, and engagement, Invited talk at SIGCHI event: Usability and Accessibility Days, Athens, December 2014. (slides)
Designing Mobile Learning Activities in Museums and Sites of Culture, Keynote talk at Interactive Communication Technologies and Learning Conference, IMCL 2014, Thessaloniki November 2014. (slides)
MOOCS-Open Courses, invited talk at 3rd Computer Science High School Educators Workshop, Platani, July 2014 (slides in Greek)
Learning in the city through pervasive gaming, keynote at Re-PLAYce:theCITY, Zurich, November 2013, slides
Learning in the city through pervasive games, Keynote talk at 2nd Hybrid Cities Conference, Athens, May 2013 (slides)
The road to open courseware: The UPatras Experience, Invited talk in a panel for Open Courseware in Hellenic Conference on ICT in Education, Volos, September 2012 (in Greek) slides
On designing location-based games for learning, Invited talk at EEE Workshop, University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, September 2012 slides
Introduction in Human-Computer Interaction and applications, February 2012 (in Greek) Video of talk (40 min)
The role of digital media in interaction with objects and places of culture, Elefthero Panepistimio, 15th Cycle of Lectures, Stoa Vivliou, Athens, October 2011,
Learning through Game Playing in Museums and Sites of Culture, 5th European Conference on Game-Based Learning, Invited Talk, Athens, October 2011,
Games in Museums: the social dimension, Socially networked museums: New media and innovative ideas for audience development in museums and cultural institutions”, September 2011, Benaki Museum, Athens
Analysis of interaction in collaborative activities, the Synergo trail, NCOS 2010, Thessaloniki, November 2010, (presentation slides)
Design of interactive technologies for a mobile and ubiquitous world, 13th 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, Athens, May 2010.
Trends in usability evaluation: Evaluation for mobile and collaborative systems, 3rd Usability Engineering Conference, Oviedo, May 2008 (presentation )
Class of tomorrow: mobility and interactivity in new ecologies of learning, One Laptopo Per Child Event, ACTI Patras, Greece, June 2007 (presentation in Greek)
Tools supporting Collaborative Learning and Interaction Analysis: Synergo and ActivityLens , Symposium on Designing, re-using and exchanging online learner corpora, Grenoble, June 7th, 2007
Usability evaluation through micro-ethnographic studies, E-business Forum meeting on usability, Athens, March 2007-Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Workshop on CSCL perspectives, Patras, April 2007
Usability Technology, Workshop on Usability, Hellenic Open University, Patras, November 2006 (pdf, 700k, in Greek )
Learning Technologies in the Greek University: Current Trends and Perspectives, Patras Money Show event on The University and Society, Patras, November 2006 (slides) (audio+slides)
Undergraduate Courses taught
- Introduction to Computers (Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1st Semester)
- Data Bases (Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7th Semester) – taught as professor emeritus
- Web Programming (Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8th Semester and Graduate Course)
- Interactive Technologies (Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9th Semester , Computer Engineering and Informatics Department) – taught as professor emeritus
Graduate courses taught
- Data and Knowledge Based Systems
- Advanced Topics of Human-Computer Interaction: Collaborative Technology
- HCI103 Interactive Technologies
- HCI202 Design of Web Applications
- HCI207 Front End Web Programming
- HCI208 Design of Location-based applications
Other activities
Tennis (winner doubles 40+ UoP tournament 2008, singles 40+ UoP tournament 2010), canoeing, skiing, cycling
Social media presence
- Slide presentations by N. Avouris
- Professional network of N. Avouris
- Academia profile of N. Avouris
- Google scholar of N. Avouris
- ResearchGate page of N. Avouris