George E. Raptis' PhD thesis defence
On July, 16th 2020, George E. Raptis successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title: “A Cognition-Centered Personalization Framework for Cultural-Heritage Applications”.
The objective of his thesis was to explore whether people with different cognitive styles (e.g., Field Dependence-Independence, Visualizer-Verbalizer) behave and process information in different ways when interacting with cultural-heritage applications. Based on the findings, CogniCHeF was developed, which is a framework that supports cultural-heritage designers to deliver personalized applications that take into consideration the cognitive styles of the visitors, help them process cultural information in their preferred way, and provide them with an enhanced visit experience.
Members of the examination committee were: Prof. Nikolaos Avouris (supervisor), Prof. George Lepouras, Asst. Professor Christos Fidas, Asst. Professor Sophia Daskalaki, Prof. Nicolas Marmaras, Asst. Professor Maria Roussou, and Prof. Michael Xenos.