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CHI Greece 2021 logo

CHIGreece 2021 “Connecting the Community”

CHIGreece 2021 (, the 1st International Conference of the Greek SIGCHI Chapter, invites the Greek research community and other researchers, residing in various institutions in Greece, Cyprus and abroad, to come together, present and disseminate their research and innovations. The conference will be an ONLINE three days (25-27/11/21) event featuring plenary sessions with keynote speakers,

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Public presentation of students' diploma theses

Four of our lab’s students will publicly present their final year diploma theses on Monday, 1 March. The presentation will take place on the Zoom platform. The program and the Zoom link can be found in the invitation.

Jason Athanasoglou's work on Medium

Our student Jason Athanasoglou published an article on on the topic of  his final year diploma thesis. Jason develops Neogma, an open source Object-Graph-Mapper for Node.js.

WUD2020 Zoom screenshot

Student projects presented at the World Usability Days 2020

This year’s World Usability Days 2020 conference, organized by the Greek SIGCHI chapter was attended by over 100 participants from Greece and abroad. Of special note was the presentation of three of our lab’s students’ projects: Investigation, design, and development of a system online prescriptions, by N. Kyriakoulis The problem of input mode errors in

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Usability Days 2020

The annual Greek Usability Days will take place online, on Saturday, November 14th 2020, 12:00-16:00. Greek Usability Days are an event organized by the ACM’s Greek SIGCHI (Special Interest Group in Human Computer Interaction) to celebrate World Usability Day. The event includes presentations on the topic of Human Computer Interaction. This year’s focus is on

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George E. Raptis' PhD thesis defense

George E. Raptis' PhD thesis defence

On July, 16th 2020, George E. Raptis successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title:  “A Cognition-Centered Personalization Framework for Cultural-Heritage Applications”. The objective of his thesis was to explore whether people with different cognitive styles (e.g., Field Dependence-Independence, Visualizer-Verbalizer) behave and process information in different ways when interacting with cultural-heritage applications. Based on the

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Best Paper at EC-TEL 2019 – Nominations Announced

One of the 5 papers that have been short-listed for the Best Paper Award at the 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning that was held in Delft, the Netherlands, has been the paper of Anastasios Ntourmas, Nikolaos Avouris, Sophia Daskalaki and Yannis Dimitriadis with the title: Teaching Assistants in MOOCs forums: Omnipresent Interlocutors or Knowledge

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HCI Master Orientation event

On October 3rd the Introductory and Orientation event of the HCI Master for academic year 2019-2020 took place. The event was opened by a welcome message of Prof. Stavros Koubias, Head of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and a welcome address by Prof. Stratis Gallopoulos, Head of the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department. They

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Taggling: Greco's Echoes

The Interactive Technologies Lab developed and released the location-based mobile game “Taggling: Greco’s Echoes” for the an exhibition of works of Dominikos Theotokopoulos. The official opening of the exhibition “Echoes of antiquity in the oeuvre of Dominikos Theotokopoulos” (link in greek) took place at St. Mark’s Basilica, in Heraklion, Crete on 9 September 2019. The

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