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IFIP TC13 Conference INTERACT 2019 in Cyprus

The conference INTERACT 2019 was organized in Cyprus this year. This has been an opportunity for the Cyprus and Greek human-computer interaction communities to present their recent research work and meet with research and practitioners of around the world. INTERACT the major conference in Human-Computer Interaction of IFIP/Unesco is characterized for its diversity and special

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Power Python Summer Schools

Power Python Summer Schools are summer schools, each two week-long, in the form of laboratory programming lessons. The first is an introductory course to the Python programming language. The second is on advanced topics and powerful language libraries, with emphasis on data analysis and processing.     Visit the  site of summer school.  

Course: Design of Location-based Mobile Games – Introduction

A 3-hour course on designing location-based games was delivered in the context of the Interact 2017 conference in Mumbai, India. The course handouts are available online.  The objective is to introduce the participants to location-based games and to the challenges relating to designing them. Key characteristics of this new genre are introduced first, followed by a design framework and a set of design guidelines.

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CR-PLAY Game Design Workshop

On September 29th and 30th, in the HCI Group Lab, Univesity of Patras a game design event was organized. The event was attended by 30 game developers from different studios accross Europe. The game designers during the first day of the workshop visited the Rio Fortress and the abandned Sport Center in Agia, Patras, there

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The HCI Group at CHI 2016

Christos Sintoris and Nikos Avouris of the HCI Group attended CHI 2016 the major scientific conference of the Human-computer interaction field. This year CHI was organized in San Jose in California, in the heart of Silcon Valley. The HCI Group researchers contributed in two workshops related to games. The workshop on Pervesive play in which they presented a

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The HCI group in the Patras IQ 2016

The Human-Computer Interaction Group participated in the Patras Innovation Quest (Patras IQ 2016) a major technology transfer conference that took place on April 15-17th in Patras Greece. Many visitors to the conference and the exhibition were informed about the activities of our group and our research results. Among the guests, the deputy minister of education

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Best Historic Paper in Mobile HCI

MobileHCI: The International Conference Series on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Best Historical Paper award goes to researchers of the HCI Group MobileHCI started in 1998, in 2008 the steering committee agreed to award a prize for the Most influential Paper from MobileHCI n-10 that recognises the longevity of impact papers from

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New Open Course in Human-Machine Interaction

Open Course in Human-Computer Interaction and Design of Interactive Systems.   The lesson is freely available with a creative commons license. It includes 60 video tutorials, exercises, slides, bibliography, etc. It is the teaching material of the course in the academic year 2013-2014 at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of

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Top journals and conferences in HCI

According to Google Scholar, in terms of impact, the top source of publication in our field is a conference : CHI, above and over any other journal or conference. It is followed by UIST, the conference on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing (HUC), and the Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). It is just in

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