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Usability Days 2014

Usability Days 2014, Athens December 10, 2014 The annual event of the Greek HCI community, as usual organized by the University of Athens new media lab. Thank you Michalis Meimaris for organizing all this for 8th consecutive year. This year the theme is about Engagement. Our lab is taking part with a paper with the

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IMCL 2014: Taggling game at MMCA, Thessaloniki. November 14

Following the special session on Mobile Learning in Cultural Institutions and Open Spaces, that was organized in the frame of IMCL 2014, an event was hosted by the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art (MMCA) on November 14th associated to the special session. It was the official openning of the new game that was developed by

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IMCL 2014: Mobile Learning in Cultural Institutions and Open Spaces

Topics The special session on Mobile Learning in Cultural Institutions and Open Spaces is considered as an opportunity to begin a discussion that focuses on – but it is not limited to -the following topics.  Mobile applications supporting learning for cultural institutions and/or open spaces (historical city centres, archaeological sites, city centers, or neighborhoods

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Irene-Angelica Chounta Phd thesis defence

On June, 5th 2014, Irene-Angelica Chounta defended successfully her PhD thesis with the title:  “Methods and tools for the evaluation of collaborative learning activities using time series”. The objective of her thesis was the design and implementation of an automatic method for the classification and evalutation of collaborative activities with respect to their quality of

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External evaluation of the ECE Dept: Visit of the evaluators at the HCI Group

In the frame of the external evaluation of the Department of the Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Patras, that took place this week, the Evaluators’ Committee visited the HCI Group on October the 30th, 2013. A brief presentation of the education and research activities of the Group was given by the Group’s

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MasIE workshop

The MasIE workshop, that took place in Athens, on July 17th during the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments – IE’13, acted as a forum for reflection on the cultural experience supported by intelligent technologies and for exploration of new ideas and we would like to thank all the speakers and participants for making this

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IWOSN 2012 workshop on online social networks

The workshop was organized by the Intersocial project that aims at exploring social networking to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in neighboring regions of western Greece and south Italy. The event that was well attended, included talks by academia and industry on tools and methods of analysis of social media and case studies

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Benaki Museum Scrabble: wins 1st prize in student competition

Maria Karpathiotaki and Giorgos Sahpatzidis, final year students who work on their dissertation developing Benaki Museum Scrabble, a mobile Game for the Benaki Museum in Athens, received the 1st prize in the new ideas section of a student competition during the Ubi-Patras 2012 event. More information on the MuseumScrabble and on the Benaki Museum Scrabble project.