Visit of Monica Divitini and Babak Farshchian, Professors NTNU, Norway at the Interactive Technology Lab
During the week 10 to 15th of June 2024, we had the pleasure to welcome to our lab, visiting professors Monica Divitini and Babak Farshchian, of the Faculty of information science and electrical engineering, NTNU, Norway
It has been an opportunity to organize presentations of the current research activities of their research groups, interact with the researchers of our lab, discuss opportunities of further collaborative research.
In the frame of the visit, Prof. M. Divitini gave a talk on the topic “Research Comp: What competences do I need as a young researcher?” The talk, that spawned an interesting discussion, relates to the transversal skills that a researcher is expected to develop, by using the ResarchComp – The European Competence Framework for Researchers. ResarchComp was launched last year by the European Commission as a tool to help “researchers assess and develop their own transversal skills.” The goal of the workshop is to help participants reflect on their competences and their professional development. Where are you? Where do you want to go? And how do you get there? The focus is on planning as a way to develop engaging professional life, maintaining work-life balance.