Χρήστος Α. Φείδας

Επίκουρος Καθηγητής
O Χρήστος Φείδας γεννήθηκε το 1976 στο Μόναχο της Γερμανίας. Αποφοίτησε το 2000 από το Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών & Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Το 2004 έλαβε Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα από το Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών & Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών.
Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα εστιάζονται στην περιοχή των πληροφοριακών συστημάτων με έμφαση στο διαδραστικό, κατανεμημένο και συνεργατικό τους χαρακτήρα καθώς και στην εφαρμογή ανθρωποκεντρικών μοντέλων για την ανάλυση, τον σχεδιασμό και την αξιολόγηση πληροφοριακών συστημάτων και υπηρεσιών. Δημοσίευσε πολυάριθμες εργασίες σε έγκριτα επιστημονικά περιοδικά και συνέδρια [Google Scholar].
Διαθέτει υπερδεκαετή αυτόνομη ακαδημαϊκή και διδακτική εμπειρία σε τριτοβάθμια ακαδημαϊκά ιδρύματα της Ελλάδας και του εξωτερικού. Διαθέτει πολύχρονη εμπειρία στην προσέλκυση και διεκπεραίωση χρηματοδοτούμενης έρευνας στα πλαίσια Εθνικών και Ευρωπαϊκών ερευνητικών έργων.
Γνωρίζει άριστα την Γερμανική και Αγγλική γλώσσα.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: [http://www.cfidas.info]
e-mail: fidas AT upatras.gr
Constantinides, A., Belk, M., Fidas, C., Beumers, R., Vidal, D., Huang, W., Bowles, J., Webber, T., Silvina, A., & Pitsillides, A. (2023).
Security and Usability of a Personalized User Authentication Paradigm: Insights from a Longitudinal Study with Three Healthcare Organizations.
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare,
4(1), 2:1-2:40. https://doi.org/10.1145/3564610
Cite Download
Fidas, C. A., Belk, M., Constantinides, A., Portugal, D., Martins, P., Pietron, A. M., Pitsillides, A., & Avouris, N. (2023).
Ensuring Academic Integrity and Trust in Online Learning Environments: A Longitudinal Study of an AI-Centered Proctoring System in Tertiary Educational Institutions.
Education Sciences,
13(6), 566. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13060566
Cite Download
Papadoulis, G., Sintoris, C., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2023). Extending User Interaction with Mixed Reality Through a Smartphone-Based Controller. In J. Abdelnour Nocera, M. Kristín Lárusdóttir, H. Petrie, A. Piccinno, & M. Winckler (Eds.),
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023 (pp. 426–435). Springer Nature Switzerland.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42280-5_27 Cite
Tsomokos, K., Sintoris, C., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2023). Exploring the Potential of Metaverse Apps for Real-World Applications: A Case Study with CALEND_AR. In J. Abdelnour Nocera, M. Kristín Lárusdóttir, H. Petrie, A. Piccinno, & M. Winckler (Eds.),
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023 (pp. 156–165). Springer Nature Switzerland.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42293-5_12 Cite
Trigka, M., Dritsas, E., & Fidas, C. (2023).
A Survey on Signal Processing Methods for EEG-based Brain Computer Interface Systems.
Proceedings of the 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 213–218. https://doi.org/10.1145/3575879.3575995
Cite Download
Portugal, D., Faria, J. N., Belk, M., Martins, P., Constantinides, A., Pietron, A., Pitsillides, A., Avouris, N., & Fidas, C. A. (2023).
Continuous user identification in distance learning: a recent technology perspective.
Smart Learning Environments,
10(1), 38. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-023-00255-9
Constantinides, A., Belk, M., Fidas, C., Beumers, R., Vidal, D., Huang, W., Bowles, J., Webber, T., Silvina, A., & Pitsillides, A. (2023). Security and Usability of a Personalized User Authentication Paradigm: Insights from a Longitudinal Study with Three Healthcare Organizations.
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare,
4(1), 1–40.
https://doi.org/10.1145/3564610 Cite
Fidas, C. A., & Lyras, D. (2023). A Review of EEG-Based User Authentication: Trends and Future Research Directions.
IEEE Access,
11, 22917–22934.
https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3253026 Cite Download
Sylaiou, S., & Fidas, C. (2022). First results of a survey concerning the use of digital human avatars in museums and cultural heritage sites.
2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET), 1–4.
https://doi.org/10.1109/IMET54801.2022.9929455 Cite Download
Koukopoulos, D., Dafiotis, P., Sylaiou, S., Koukoulis, K., Antoniou, A., Vital, R., & Fidas, C. (2022). Personalization services in art education environments: first survey results.
2022 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA), 1–8.
https://doi.org/10.1109/IISA56318.2022.9904365 Cite Download
Sylaiou, S., & Fidas, C. (2022).
Virtual Humans in Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites.
Applied Sciences,
12(19), 9913. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12199913
Cite Download
Koukopoulos, D., Dafiotis, P., Sylaiou, S., Koukoulis, K., & Fidas, C. (2022). XR technologies for self-regulated student exhibitions in art education: survey and first design considerations.
2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET), 1–8.
https://doi.org/10.1109/IMET54801.2022.9929450 Cite Download
Sylaiou, S., & Fidas, C. (2022). First results of a survey concerning the use of digital human avatars in museums and cultural heritage sites.
2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET), 1–4.
https://doi.org/10.1109/IMET54801.2022.9929455 Cite Download
Sylaiou, S., & Fidas, C. (2022). Virtual Humans in Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites.
Applied Sciences,
12(19), 9913.
https://doi.org/10.3390/app12199913 Cite
Koukopoulos, D., Dafiotis, P., Sylaiou, S., Koukoulis, K., & Fidas, C. (2022).
Evaluating the Design of an Art Student Framework Supporting XR Exhibitions: Evaluating an Art Student Framework. https://doi.org/10.1145/3575879.3576003
Sylaiou, S., & Fidas, C. (2022). First results of a survey concerning the use of digital human avatars in museums and cultural heritage sites.
2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET), 1–4.
https://doi.org/10.1109/IMET54801.2022.9929455 Cite
Koukopoulos, D., Dafiotis, P., Sylaiou, S., Koukoulis, K., & Fidas, C. (2022). XR technologies for self-regulated student exhibitions in art education: survey and first design considerations.
2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET), 1–8.
https://doi.org/10.1109/IMET54801.2022.9929450 Cite
Koukopoulos, D., Dafiotis, P., Sylaiou, S., Koukoulis, K., Antoniou, A., Vital, R., & Fidas, C. (2022). Personalization services in art education environments: first survey results.
2022 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA), 1–8.
Sylaiou, S., & Fidas, C. (2022). Supporting People with Visual Impairments in Cultural Heritage: Survey and Future Research Directions.
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–16.
Pericleous, P., Assimakopoulou, I., Ioannou, A., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2021).
Tracing El Greco's Echoes of Antiquity: Audience Interaction with Online Art.
CHI Greece 2021: 1st International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter, 1–7. https://doi.org/10/gn268h
Pericleous, P., Assimakopoulou, I., Ioannou, A., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2021).
Tracing El Greco's Echoes of Antiquity: Audience Interaction with Online Art.
CHI Greece 2021: 1st International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1145/3489410.3489434
Cite Download
Constantinides, A., Fidas, C., Belk, M., Pietron, A. M., Han, T., & Pitsillides, A. (2021).
From hot-spots towards experience-spots: Leveraging on users' sociocultural experiences to enhance security in cued-recall graphical authentication.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
149, 102602. https://doi.org/10/gjx5jr
Cite Download
Pericleous, P., Assimakopoulou, I., Ioannou, A., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2021). Tracing El Greco’s Echoes of Antiquity: Audience Interaction with Online Art.
CHI Greece 2021: 1st International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter, 1–7.
Constantinides, A., Pietron, A. M., Belk, M., Fidas, C., Han, T., & Pitsillides, A. (2020).
A Cross-cultural Perspective for Personalizing Picture Passwords.
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 43–52. https://doi.org/10/gjx5jm
Cite Download
Constantinides, A., Belk, M., Fidas, C., & Pitsillides, A. (2020).
An eye gaze-driven metric for estimating the strength of graphical passwords based on image hotspots.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 33–37. https://doi.org/10/gjx5jp
Cite Download
Constantinides, A., Belk, M., Fidas, C., & Pitsillides, A. (2020).
An eye gaze-driven metric for estimating the strength of graphical passwords based on image hotspots.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 33–37. https://doi.org/10/gjx5jn
Cite Download
Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C., Katsini, C., & Avouris, N. (2019).
A cognition-centered personalization framework for cultural-heritage content.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction,
29(1), 9–65. https://doi.org/10/gjx5jq
Cite Download
Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C., Katsini, C., & Avouris, N. (2019).
A cognition-centered personalization framework for cultural-heritage content.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction,
29(1), 9–65. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-019-09226-7
Katsini, C., Fidas, C., Belk, M., Samaras, G., & Avouris, N. (2019).
A Human-Cognitive Perspective of Users' Password Choices in Recognition-Based Graphical Authentication.
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–13. https://doi.org/10/gf4gf2
Katsini, C., Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2018).
Does Image Grid Visualization Affect Password Strength and Creation Time in Graphical Authentication? Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 33:1-33:5. https://doi.org/10/gf4gf9
Katsini, C., Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2018).
Towards Gaze-based Quantification of the Security of Graphical Authentication Schemes.
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, 17:1-17:5. https://doi.org/10/gf4r73
Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2018).
Effects of mixed-reality on players' behaviour and immersion in a cultural tourism game: A cognitive processing perspective.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
114, 69–79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.02.003
Katsini, C., Fidas, C., Raptis, G. E., Belk, M., Samaras, G., & Avouris, N. (2018).
Influences of Human Cognition and Visual Behavior on Password Strength During Picture Password Composition.
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 87:1-87:14. https://doi.org/10/gf4r72
Katsini, C., Fidas, C., Raptis, G. E., Belk, M., Samaras, G., & Avouris, N. (2018).
Eye Gaze-driven Prediction of Cognitive Differences During Graphical Password Composition.
23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 147–152. https://doi.org/10/gf4ggc
Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C. A., Katsini, C., & Avouris, N. M. (2018).
Towards a Cognition-Centered Personalization Framework for Cultural-Heritage Content.
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, LBW011:1-LBW011:6. https://doi.org/10/gf4ggb
Gkikopoulos, P., Raptis, G. E., Katsini, C., Fidas, C. A., & Avouris, N. (2017, December). Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Natural Controller used for Interaction with Cultural Artefacts in a Virtual-Reality Environment.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritage (Euromed 2017). In Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritage (Euromed 2017).
Raptis, G. E., Katsini, C., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2017).
Effects of Image-Based Rendering and Reconstruction on Game Developers Efficiency, Game Performance, and Gaming Experience. In R. Bernhaupt, G. Dalvi, A. Joshi, D. K. Balkrishan, J. O'Neill, & M. Winckler (Eds.),
Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017 (pp. 87–96). Springer International Publishing.
Belk, M., Pamboris, A., Fidas, C., Katsini, C., Avouris, N., & Samaras, G. (2017).
Sweet-spotting Security and Usability for Intelligent Graphical Authentication Mechanisms.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 252–259. https://doi.org/10/gf4r75
Raptis, G. E., Katsini, C., Belk, M., Fidas, C., Samaras, G., & Avouris, N. (2017).
Using Eye Gaze Data and Visual Activities to Infer Human Cognitive Styles: Method and Feasibility Studies.
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 164–173. https://doi.org/10/gf4r76
Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C., & Avouris, N. (2017).
Cultural Heritage Gaming: Effects of Human Cognitive Styles on Players' Performance and Visual Behavior.
Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization - UMAP '17, 343–346. https://doi.org/10/gf4gf8
Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C. A., & Avouris, N. M. (2017).
On Implicit Elicitation of Cognitive Strategies using Gaze Transition Entropies in Pattern Recognition Tasks.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '17, 1993–2000. https://doi.org/10/gf4r74
Katsini, C., Fidas, C., Belk, M., Avouris, N., & Samaras, G. (2017).
Influences of Users' Cognitive Strategies on Graphical Password Composition.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2698–2705. https://doi.org/10/gf4gf5
Raptis, G. E., Fidas, C. A., & Avouris, N. M. (2016).
Using Eye Tracking to Identify Cognitive Differences: A Brief Literature Review.
Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics - PCI '16, 1–6. https://doi.org/10/gf4r78
Katsini, C., Belk, M., Fidas, C., Avouris, N., & Samaras, G. (2016).
Security and Usability in Knowledge-based User Authentication: A Review.
Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 63:1-63:6. https://doi.org/10/gf4gf6